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La Grange Locksmith Transponder Key

Lose Your Transponder Key? Here is What You Need to Know

If you have lost your car key, not being able to operate your vehicle is one of the most obvious and stressful side-effects. You may have a back-up key that will operate your car, but if you own a transponder key, this is probably unlikely. Transponder keys are specialized keys that have been made for all vehicles since the late 1990s. They serve several purposes, but primarily help vehicle owners keep their car’s secure and in their possession. Lost transponder keys can pose a major problem for vehicle owners and expert assistance is required to replace transponder keys of any kind. To find out more about the benefits of transponder keys, their purposes, and how you can go about replacing yours, continue reading below.

How a Transponder Key Operates

Transponder keys look identical to regular car keys. They usually are equipped with keyless entry features and will have buttons on the outside of the key that can be used to lock and unlock the doors and trunk. A transponder key will have a specialized chip embedded within the key and hidden from view. This is why you may not be sure if your vehicle key is a transponder key. If it is a newer model vehicle, it is likely that your key has a transponder chip inside of it. 

The second component that helps a transponder key to operate properly belongs inside of your vehicle. Within the car, the transponder signal is a part of the car’s electrical system and computer programming. The transponder chip within your car recognizes and works in conjunction with the chip inside of the key in order to make a match. Unless both chips are working properly and able to form a clear signal between the two, your vehicle key will not work.

Why Transponder Keys are Important

Since transponder keys became a requirement over two decades ago, vehicle thefts have decreased. Ultimately, they help prevent two kinds of theft. The first type is criminal theft. When you own a car that requires a transponder key, the key itself must be present for the vehicle to start. Even if a criminal were to hotwire the vehicle or attempt to tamper with it in some way in order to get it to start, they would be unsuccessful.

Without the presence of the matching key and signal, the vehicle will remain turned off. Transponder keys are also useful when it comes to preventing accidental theft. Part of the reason transponder keys were invented was to eliminate the chance that one’s key could operate another’s vehicle of the same model and type. Unfortunately, this was known to happen prior to the release of transponder keys. Now, it is extremely rare for this to happen. Each signal that is matched to a transponder key is completely unique to that car. No other key can operate that vehicle except the one assigned to the owner.

Why You Need an Expert to Replace a Transponder Key

While transponder keys have helped increase personal security and eliminated car theft, they pose an issue if one is to lose them. If you have misplaced your transponder key or have lost it completely, you will need to go to an expert to receive a replacement. A professional locksmith is recommended since certified locksmiths receive specialized training that allows them to handle the replacement of transponder keys. 

A locksmith will be able to get into your vehicle and adjust the signal within your car. They will also be able to match a new key to the vehicle portion of the transponder signal so that the new key will work properly. While this sounds simple, this procedure requires specialized skills. It is recommended that you do not try to replace or repair your transponder key yourself.

As soon as a new transponder key has been programmed, the old key will no longer work. This is why it is important to get your transponder key replaced by a professional as soon as possible. Until a new signal has been established, your old key will still operate the vehicle. If you misplaced your car keys and are not sure where they ended up, someone may be able to steal your vehicle at a later date.

Make sure you work with a locksmith that offers on-site repairs and replacements for vehicle keys. This will save you time and money by eliminating the need to call a tow truck to take you to an auto shop or car dealership for a replacement.

Mobile locksmiths are preferred since you simply have to call for assistance, wait for a locksmith to show up at your location, and you will be set up with a brand-new key right on-site. Contact a local locksmith with mobile capabilities the next time you need a key replacement of any kind.


Replace Your Transponder Key Today!

Now that you know more about transponder keys, their importance, and how they function overall, it is time to call in an expert to help you replace yours. Remember that you should always rely on the assistance of a professional locksmith if ever you find yourself in this situation. A locksmith will be familiar with various vehicle models and will know how to replace the transponder key for your particular car. Getting hands-on assistance from a locksmith is the fastest and most affordable way to get your transponder key replaced!


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